Product recommendations in SEED INSIGHTS are determined by product rankings created by a local AgriGold Agronomist considering the interaction of the seed’s genetic attributes with the environment, both soil and weather, along with the grower’s goals, challenges, and management practices for every field.
1. For corn hybrids,13 interacting variables are ranked by the agronomist. Initial ranking values are provided to the agronomist from our research trials, but the final ranking for each variable is determined by the agronomist’s experience with the hybrid, along with that of their DSM’s, in both plots and commercial fields. The agronomist ranks each product for each variable, on a 5.0 to 1.0 scale, to reflect the advice they would offer to a grower for product placement. Ratings may be revised at any time the agronomist believes necessary, and updated ratings are instantly reflected in Seed1st.
2. Hybrid product rankings for the Yield variable are weighted for High, Medium, and Low ranges within both High and Low Yield classification. (also instantly revisable)
3. For soybean varieties, 17 interacting variables (9 of which are for specific diseases) are ranked by the local LG agronomist. (also instantly revisable)
4. Soybean variety rankings for the Yield variable are weighted for High, Medium, and Low ranges within both High and Low Yield classification. (also instantly revisable)
5. These rankings are factored into environmental field information integrated from Advantage Acre (natural soil drainage and percentage of sand; forecasts for the crop growing season divided into four rainfall time periods, and one temperature period) plus crop rotation information integrated from FMiD, plus the answers to the FIELD MANAGEMENT questions (goals, challenges, and practices) as revised in EDIT FIELD INFORMATION. This product score is reflected in SEED INSIGHTS offering the user a field specific priority ranking recommendation of each possible product as determined by the user’s selected maturity range and trait options.
6. Hybrid planting rates are then offered as a management recommendation by the local agronomist based upon yield goals, environmental considerations, and farming practices in their local area. A population curve is built using 6 yield goal points. (also instantly revisable)
7. Variety planting rates are also offered as a management recommendation from a formula based upon yield goals, maturity, seed treatment, drainage, tillage, row width, Iron Deficiency Chlorosis, and Sclerotinia White Mold.
8. Planting rate recommendations for both corn hybrids and soybean varieties are offered as part of the SEED INSIGHTS recommendations, but just as the percent of field to be planted to the product, as well as the product recommendations themselves, the planting rate may be revised by the user with the +/- feature.
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