Accessing recorded Data to allow the use of Advantage Acre Planning and Analysis Tools.
- Click on Account, then Integrations, then Climate FieldView Records.
- If Link symbol is displayed, all Integrated Data Records (YTD) from Climate FieldView should be listed on the screen. (If not, see FieldView Records Linking How-To)
- Select a Record to Import. Import Button is faded, and therefore not Active. Click on Yes to accept Record as is currently labeled. Note: Yellow-Green field shape should match Advantage Acre field boundary. Selecting Yes keeps that boundary.
- Click on Edit the field to correct. To change ANY of the field Label’s information.
- Using Drop-Downs, or Type Overs, Correct the Record’s information and Click Save.
- After either Accepting or Editing, Record moves to Top of Screen and Import Button becomes Check Record box and the Click Import Button to Import Record. Multiple Records may be Imported at one time by Checking Record Boxes.
- Import button fades, Import in Progress message appears.
- Data Imported message appears. Refresh (Reload) the page.
- Go to Field Records to View Data Map
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