One of the interesting features of the soil type data in Advantage Acre is that you can create a field that crosses over a county and state boundaries and see if the soil type data is different.
In this example, the data is taken between Clinton and Boone County in Indiana. You can see that the Fincastle, Crosby, Treaty and Cyclone data don't line up very well in many cases.
To compare these four soil types, you can see from the typical soil profile of each that all four soil types are fairly different and yet the two different county soil surveyors made a different conclusion.
This isn't always the case. In this example between the state line of Illinois and Indiana, you can see that the soil types are the same but the lines are drawn slightly different.
In this example between Logan and Dewitt counties in Illinois, the lines match and the only difference is different colors are used to represent the same soil type.
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